“Beauty is to enthuse us for work, and work is to raise us up." - Polish poet Cyprian Norwid 
For those new to me and newly discovering my work, welcome! My name is Amanda and I'm a local portrait, family, and couple's photographer based out of Charlottesville, Virginia. Dulcis Gratia — Latin for "sweet grace" — is the product of a continual search for beauty and an enthusiasm to accept grace where it is offered. Born and raised in the rolling hills of the Blue Ridge, I grew up surrounded and inspired by the beauty found in little towns and expansive landscapes. From a young age I sought to capture in lasting photograph the memories and moments that otherwise fade with time. Possessing a strong desire to hold onto what eventually becomes forgotten, I fostered an eye and a heart for what lies in the details, the small moments, the occasions that arrest our attention through their simplicity, their authenticity, and their beauty.  
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